FAIRTEX - Sweat/Sauna Suit (VS3)

The Stylish Vinyl Sweatsuit is perfect for both street runs and gym exercises, especially during weight loss journeys. Resembling a running jacket, it's specifically designed to elevate your body temperature and encourage perspiration. Crafted entirely from 100% coated polyester, this suit is built to last.

Engineered to optimize perspiration potential, this suit, constructed entirely from coated polyester, aids in improving heat acclimation and boosting cardiovascular fitness during your exercise routines.

Embrace its versatility for various activities such as brisk walks, invigorating jogs, and dynamic rope jumping. This body-heat-trapping activewear can up the intensity of your exercise, making every movement count

Brand Fairtex
Shipping Weight 0.4000kg
Shipping Width 0.450m
Shipping Height 0.100m
Shipping Length 0.320m
Shipping Cubic 0.014400000m3

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