FAIRTEX - "Harmony Six" Boxing Gloves (BGV26)

Brand New: Fairtex “Harmony Six” Boxing Gloves are completely unique.

These gloves use 100% full-grain leather. There are 3 layers of foam padding for optimal shock absorption. Fairtex’s signature grip bar provides comfortable support for your hands.

The Fairtex BGV26 Boxing Glove design uses an exclusive cut and pattern. These use the high-quality craftsmanship and materials that Fairtex is known for.

Fairtex “Harmony Six” Boxing Gloves are currently available in sizes 10oz, 12oz, 14oz, and 16oz. 

Brand Fairtex

Awesome gloves

By: on 29 June 2022
These gloves are really comfortable, the material and build quality is top notch, I don't think you can find better gloves for that price. Great job!


By: on 11 April 2022
It is a real pleasure to train in these gloves on the heavy bag. Perfect amount of padding, and the foam density is on point too. I can literally say nothing but good about these gloves! The stitching is perfect and the leather is quality. Loving the lightweight when I want to pick up some "speed".

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