Kickboxing Equipment


Great for self-defense, general fitness, or as a competitive sport.

Kickboxing was originally created by mixing karate with boxing and has become one of the world’s most popular combat sports, along with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Boxing. 

Shogun Martial Arts Offers:

GlovesMouth GuardsGroin GuardsSparring Head Guards/Headgear Full Face Head GuardsAbdominal GuardGlove Inners/LinersQuick WrapsWrapsSkipping RopesLiniment Oil | Eye IronStrapping Tape/Gauze & BandagesSweat Jar/Sweat SticksShin GuardsAnkle Support GuardsBelly PadsFocus MittsLeg Kick PadsCurved Thai Pads | Curved Strike/Kick Shields | X Man Shields | Leather Bags | Heavy Bags | Freestanding Bags | Teardrop Bag | Bulgarian Bags | Boxing Bag Stands | Speedball | Floor To Ceilings | Speed Ball Bladders | Muay Thai Shorts | Satin Boxing Fighting Robe | Sweat/Sauna Suits | Digital Timers & Other Training Equipment

In a range of different brands, such as Fairtex, WACOKU, Punch, Sting, Rival….

330 Products Found